You will be asked to register through the app so we can send you $25 for participating. A study pharmacist will communicate with you through the app. We will collect information from your medical record and email you a short survey.
The purpose of the smartphone and web app is to give you a way to communicate with a study pharmacist who can help you manage your cardiovascular risks. There is no travel required for this study. You can participate in this study from wherever you can use your computer or mobile device.
What will happen first?
You will use your smartphone or other mobile device to download the study app, and after you agree to participate, you will be asked to use this app to enter some basic information about yourself ("Registration") so that we can send you your payment for joining the study and so a study pharmacist or pharmacy student can contact you.
You will then be randomly assigned to use a mobile app or a traditional website (web app) for the next four months. This means that whichever study app you receive will be determined purely by chance, like flipping a coin. You will have a 50/50 chance of receiving each app. Both the mobile app and the web app can be accessed from your smartphone.
After you are randomly selected to use the mobile app or the web app, you may begin using your assigned app immediately for all of the following features:
How will I interact with my study pharmacist?
Your study pharmacist at the University of Iowa will contact you with a message in the app within 3 business days after you complete the "Registration". They may ask you questions about your medication usage, side effects, exercise, cardiovascular risk knowledge, weight, diet, tobacco use, alcohol use and other health issues that you and your study pharmacist decide are important to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
As the study goes on, the study pharmacist will be able to view information you enter into your mobile or web app. You will be able to use the messaging feature in the app to communicate with the study pharmacist. You and your study pharmacist may also decide to talk on the telephone or the study pharmacist can send you emails. The frequency of contact will depend on your health status and preferences but in general your study pharmacist will try to be in contact with you every 2-4 weeks.
Will my doctor be involved?
During the study, your assigned study pharmacist will be helping your doctor with your care. The study pharmacist may identify medication or disease concerns, inform your physician of those concerns and, when appropriate, make recommendations for changes to your medications or suggest other preventive actions, like cancer screenings or lifestyle changes.
Please note that your study pharmacist cannot provide emergency care. In the event of an emergency please call 9-1-1 or contact your doctor immediately.
What data will be collected about me?
About 3-4 months after you join the study, you will be invited by email to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the mobile app or web app. This survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. You may skip any questions that you prefer not to answer.
We will access your medical records to collect information regarding your medical history, including your diagnoses, demographics, coexisting conditions, clinic visits, risk factors, preventive services, and laboratory values. The information will come from data dating back to 12 months prior to enrolling in the study and ending about 4 months after your enrollment in the study. We will also collect information about how and when you use the mobile and web apps during the study.
We will keep a record of your name, address, and telephone number so that we will be able to contact you about any future studies.
Will I be paid for participating?
You will be paid $25 for being in this research study. You will be sent a check within 3 weeks of completing the Registration section in the study app. You will need to provide your address so a check can be mailed to you.